A Message?

It’s rare that I post twice in the same day, but I feel the need to share what happened to me a few hours ago. I let Waggs out the back door, and she ran around the side of the house to the front. She’s been obsessing about catching the chipmunks that have been skittering around lately, so I assumed she was in hot pursuit of one. I followed her, and she was stopped, sort of on point, with her hackles up. I giggled when I realized she was growling at an errant mylar balloon that had found its way to our yard, hung up on a bush. As I walked closer to pick it up, I realized it said “Happy Mother’s Day”. At that point, I said aloud, “Are you f*cking kidding me? Of all the yards, why ours?!” I snatched it up angrily, and when I turned it over, I started crying as I realized that the other side said “Love You Mom”. It had butterflies on it… BUTTERFLIES. A wave of emotion swept over me, and of course, my first thought was “Lucy”. I felt overwhelmed but was no longer angry or irritated that this shiny pink piece of wandering sentiment had somehow landed in our yard. What are the odds? I don’t know, but I’m going to look at it as a little love note from my baby girl. Maybe that makes me a touch crazy, but I suppose stranger things have happened.

I’ve whispered several times today, “I love you too, Lucy.”

Thank you, sweet girl.

Butterflies and all…

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