Monthly Archives: October 2017

Another Halloween Without You

Dear Lucy,

I wish you were here. I wish we were together. I wish you were dressed in a cozy little costume, lighting up this dark and dreary day. I wish you were squirming around in your Daddy’s arms as we take you out visiting. I wish to hear your laughter, to see your eyes shining so bright. I wish these were really memories we’re making, instead of shattered dreams. I wish my heart weren’t broken, I wish that it were whole. I wish for you, my darling, I wish it all the time.

I hope no matter where you are that you’re a happy soul. I hope you realize I’d know you anywhere. I hope you know you’re part of me, no matter where I go. I hope someday that missing you won’t hurt so very much. Mostly, I hope you know how much you’re loved. I hope you feel my heart.

I miss you so much. I love you even more.

Happy Halloween, my sweet little dragonfly.

Love Always and Forever,


The Truth Of It…

Things aren’t great. I sat in my living room on October 15, which is Infant Loss Remembrance Day, and I realized something. Not only did it hurt just as much fourteen months into the journey as it had two months in, but there I was: in exactly the same spot on the same couch in the same room, looking at the same candle flickering its memorial flame, on the same date at the same time… and NOTHING HAS CHANGED. Nothing has changed since losing Lucy over a year ago. I can’t let go, I can’t adapt.

More than 14 months in and here’s the REAL truth of it all…

It still hurts now as much as it did one year ago.

I can’t even remember most of the past year; so much of it is a blur.

There isn’t a morning that dawns when I actually want to get out of bed. Facing the day means facing the truth. And no matter how much time passes, it’s still just as hard today to face the fact that our child died.

I am irritated by everyone else’s happiness. It just makes my own misery so much more visible to me.

It’s hard to see little children, both in real life and in photos, because I can only wonder what our child should look like at that age.

My job is absolutely draining the life out of me. My patience for the rudeness and complaining of my students has dwindled, and I am weary of trying to parent other peoples’ children (when all I really want is to parent my own child). I feel as if I am failing with every action I take in my teaching role, and that I am letting down all of the students that truly want to be in my classroom. I am simply not the sweet Mrs. O. that I used to be. How could I be??

Sometimes, I simply have nothing positive to say.

I really don’t want to talk to anyone lately. I have become a hermit and a recluse, and that’s how I want to be. The idea of even picking up the phone to call family and friends causes me an unnatural amount of anxiety, and once again… I have nothing to say. What would me calling someone do other than depress them?

With every month that passes, I am losing more hope. Hope that things will ever be different or better than they are now. I can’t think of much to look forward to. With every month that passes and we see no rainbow, I lose more and more of my faith in the idea that it will ever be better.

I am having a hard time coping. I take sleep aids every night. I drink too much. I don’t know if it’s going to get better.

I feel like a freak most of the time, some grief monster that no one understands. How can it have been this long, and I’m still not “better”? There is no “better” in a grief like this.

The one thing we want is to give Lucy a sibling, and I’ve made such a mess of myself that I’d be surprised if it ever happens.

The truth is, life is hard right now. I can’t always see the light. I can’t always think positively.

Sometimes, I do wish I could just disappear.

I know I have let my baby daughter down so much by living like this. Grief has turned my life upside down… turned me into someone I don’t recognize or even like at all. I am lost, and I don’t know if I will ever find my way again.

It’s hideous, but here it is… the truth.

Fourteen Months

Hello sweet Lucy,

I am feeling so sad, because I couldn’t get to your fourteen month letter until now. I am so overwhelmed by life right now, mostly by this ridiculous job that I can’t possibly succeed at. It’s taking me away from not only you, but from the other stuff that truly matters in life. I feel like a circus clown lately; all I do is paint on a face to make others smile. None of it is real– I am merely playing a role, a persona, that I am no longer capable of being.

I miss you with all of my heart lately, especially these past few days. I don’t feel anything like myself, and I keep feeling like a failure. Is there any way out? It hurts me to think of who you might be now, at fourteen months old, or who’d you’d be after that. I will forever imagine what life should be like, if only you were here. There’s no making this better… I miss you so much.

I worry that as time goes on, I’m losing my strength… I am no longer who I once was. The most redeeming quality I can come up with right now is that I love with my whole heart, and hopefully, enough people will see that… I have so much to offer (because of your light)… maybe I can keep fighting this fight, and seeing the good. That’s you living through me, Lucy. I am worried though that this isn’t enough. I just miss you so much, and I wish you were here.

No words I can say here will change our situation, but, I do always know that you’ll be a part of my heart forever. I miss you so much, sweet baby. I wish you were here.

I Love You,

Feeling Hopeless

Sometimes I feel like nothing I do matters at all. Sometimes, it feels like my story is just another little blip on the radar. Sometimes, most times, I truly do not want to get out of bed in the morning. So often, I feel so hopeless, so helpless. I look at the ruin my life has been left in, and I don’t always have the energy to even think about rebuilding it. I’ve lost my friends, I’ve distanced myself from my family, I am nothing but an actress at my job, and truly, I am just a shell of whatever person I used to be. I want our story to matter, but a part of me wonders if it honestly matters to anyone at all. I am lost, sad, and altogether depressed and jaded. I don’t see a light at the end of this. I keep looking for Lucy’s light, but I can’t always find it. Is it all just in my head? Am I making one damn little bit of difference in this world at all? My sweet Lucy must be so disappointed in what her mother has become. I know I am, but I am powerless to stop it. I thought before that I was doing okay, but the repetitive disappointment since Lucy passed has rendered me bitter and angry. I cannot keep pretending to be this beacon of light I wanted so badly to be. For those of you reading this, I’m so sorry, but I just can’t be positive right now. I want to tell you that it gets easier, it gets better, time lessens the pain, but telling you that today would merely make me a liar. It doesn’t get easier, it doesn’t get better, and I think that time only makes this worse. I just hope I won’t always feel this way, but life has taught me that nothing is fair, and that we are meant to suffer. Sometimes, I wish I could just have a break from the pain. I am just so tired of feeling like this.

Sunrise Blessing

October is Infant and Pregnancy Awareness Month. This year, I’m going to do my best to participate daily in the Capture Your Grief Project. There may be a few days here and there I might miss, but I’ll try to stay caught up. The Capture Your Grief Project is a series of photo prompts, one for each day in October. Last year, I just couldn’t finish it… the grief was still too fresh, too new, for me to do all of it. I’ll still give myself an out if I need it, because as a loss mom, I never really know just how something might impact me until it’s already happening. So, here’s Day 1…..

Day 1: Sunrise Blessing
As the early morning sunlight streams through the trees, illuminating the leaves in greens and yellows, I see that it also gently shines through the hearts hung in honor of my Lucy. I feel closest to her in these quiet few minutes after I awake, listening to my own heartbeat, as the sun casts its light, her light, over everything. Just like the sun, my sweet baby’s light touches everything, guiding me through the day.
#captureyourgrief2017 #whathealsyou #lucyroseslight #infantloss #babylossawareness


Today’s a good day for me to focus on blessings of ANY kind, because I’ve truly felt like a lost, tired, sad soul this week. Sometimes, the blessings are hard to focus on when it feels as if the universe is trying its best to prevent Chris and me from being happy. It’s so difficult sometimes, and no matter what I do, I just can’t seem to shake the feeling that things are never going to change for the better. Whenever we get to a point that appears to hold hope and promise of new joy, it’s snatched out from under us.

In my family, it’s been a rough week because my Grandma has been ill and in the hospital. One of the blessings I can count is that she’s still here, and has been discharged from the hospital and is getting settled back in at home. BIG blessing!

Unfortunately, the “non-blessings” have been coming in abundance, lately, or so it seems. We spent two days in our house this week thinking that we might be pregnant again. We cautiously embraced the idea, knowing full well that nothing is ever guaranteed, but the possibility was so beautiful, just the same. I believe I may have had another chemical pregnancy, which of course, feels like a swift kick in the gut. Things like this are so hard to bounce right back from, and it feels like we’re being punished with disappointment again and again. So often, I want to ask ‘why?’, but then I know there simply is no reason. After how easily we ended up pregnant with our Lucy, this secondary infertility is perplexing. We’re deciding on our next steps and going from there. We so badly want Lucy to have a little sibling, but it just isn’t happening yet. It continuously adds more dimensions to our grief, and it gets more and more difficult to feel optimistic about anything. Everything is an uphill climb, and nothing comes easily for us lately. I’m hoping to start seeing more blessings in our lives, so I’m doing my best to intentionally look for them. The light is always there, it’s just hard to see sometimes.