Category Archives: Rainbow Baby

In The Stillness

In the stillness after the loud din of celebration, I pause for a moment. The house is growing quiet, the day waning away. I breathe in, and exhale slowly. It’s easy to get lost in the expectation, the business of preparations; so easy to miss the point.

So here it is, the point: our rainbow is turning ONE. The child we so wished for, hoped for, longed for… we’ve had our living, breathing son for a full year. How can this be? Our darling little baby, the tiny infant we brought home so cautiously and fearfully… he’s grown into his own small little person. A little person who delights, enjoys, laughs… he’s got focus, determination, a sense of humor, a way of healing hearts. This little boy, he’s ONE!

One year ago right now, we were scared. So afraid that the little son we’d watched tentatively on the ultrasound screens, the kicker in my belly who always reassured me, we were so afraid we’d never bring him home like we never got to bring Lucy home……… but here he is, turning one. What a whirlwind it’s been!

In the stillness, like this, I remember what it’s all about. Life is unpredictable, full of twists and turns…. and pain, sometimes lots of pain. But, there’s beauty. Beauty and love. And love always prevails. Our Everett is love. He is the essence, innocence, and beauty in my life… in the stillness, I remember what it’s all about.

Small Moment, Big Love

A small moment, yet a momentous occasion. Because everything you do, my little rainbow, is momentous. You were fighting sleep, yet so tired. Full belly, restless baby body. After a busy day of learning more about the world, testing out the first bites of ‘real’ food for your tiny taste buds, you were half asleep but just couldn’t surrender. There in the glow of your night light, the white noise all around, you grabbed my finger with your little hand. Wrapped it right around, held it tight. It was all you needed to finally succumb to your sweet little dreams and peaceful slumber. A small, yet momentous moment. Every single time you do that, it’s a magical second of time that steals my breath away. One squeeze that says, for now, “Mama, you’re all I need to feel safe”. If only I could make it so for always.

My little rainbow, my Everett, you have no idea how you’ve saved me. You’ve breathed new life into my soul, made me feel alive again. You shine. You are light. You are the embodiment of love.

I’m so lucky to be your mama.

Photo by Liv Bruce on Unsplash

Life With Our Rainbow

Welcome to the world, my precious son.

Everett Casper arrived on Saturday, September 1 at 9:51am, weighing 9 lbs, 6 oz, measuring 21 1/2 inches long. He’s amazing to behold; I still can’t believe he’s here, thriving and growing. Hearing his first cry rip through the air was one of the most powerful experiences of my life; holding his warm, vibrant little body in my arms for the first time was pure magic.

For five weeks, our amazing little rainbow has captivated me beyond any expectations I had. He’s stolen my heart and proven, like Lucy before him, that love knows no boundaries. Life with him is both unbelievable and familiar. I look at him and feel awe and disbelief sometimes, yet already life before him is almost hard to reimagine. Everett has healed me in surprising ways, made parts of me feel whole again, in spite of my ever-residing brokenness.

Taking care of Everett gives me a renewed sense of purpose and self-respect. While caring for a newborn is not without its challenges, I feel a contentment I’ve never felt before as I go through the motions of physically nurturing him. It’s all so wonderful, overwhelming, tiring, hilarious, empowering, challenging, and rewarding… I am so thankful.  And so in love with this beautiful boy. 


























Photos by Jordyn at Illuminate Photography.


Tiptoeing Through The Days

I’ve been neglecting this blog at a time I honestly thought I’d be using it most. I’m not sure why that is; I guess it’s complicated and writing simply hasn’t been my go-to lately. Right now, I feel like I’m tiptoeing through the days as summer floats away and the end of my pregnancy nears. I’m holding my breath, biding my time, just hoping everything is going to turn out as it should this time around. I’m scared.

The fear and anxiety has become very real these past two days in particular. We’re at 36 weeks now, and getting closer to the arrival of this baby boy. I keep trying to focus my thoughts on imagining hearing that first cry tear through the air and feeling his squirming weight upon my chest and in my arms. All I can do is imagine, and I can’t always see those things as tangible moments. As the days go by, it’s certainly getting harder to not let the “what ifs” run away with my imagination. I thought I had a grip on all of this, but this pregnancy after loss journey ordeal is no joke.

I’m currently flailing in a powerful current of guilt. It’s this ridiculously vicious cycle, made much more difficult to swim out of with the discomforts of late term pregnancy. It’s getting tougher each day, as my body reaches its maximum capacity and energy threshold. Most of it is common- the same stuff every other extremely pregnant woman likely feels. I want this rainbow baby out of me for the same reasons most mamas want the pregnancy to reach its end. Wanting him out of me, however, brings about this complicated guilt. This is what I wanted more than anything in the torturous months of trying to conceive, the only thing I thought that might make me see a future again as I grieved for Lucy. So I guilt myself: how dare I wish for the end of pregnancy, how dare I complain? There are many other obvious reasons for me wanting this boy to just get here though. The closer we get, the harder it is to push aside the fear that something else bad could happen to our baby.  Along with the Gestational Diabetes, I have excess amniotic fluid, known as a condition called Polyhydramnios. It impacts 1-2% of pregnancies. It seems that I’m really good at hitting that 1-2% of unlikely things in pregnancy. The same statistic sits with placental abruption, which is what caused us to lose Lucy. Speaking of that anomaly, it’s listed as one of the potential risks associated with Polyhydramnios. Huge, disconcerting red flag for me! Now, logically speaking, there typically isn’t too much cause for concern with this particular condition, but it’s impossible for me to buy into the whole ‘it’s nothing to worry about’ mindset with the unlikely experience of losing Lucy under my belt. The sooner this baby is here safely, the better we’ll all be. Chris and I have a meeting scheduled with the MFM specialist, and we’ll discuss with him whether an earlier scheduled delivery is a safer option than waiting. My docs at the OB practice are on board, but since we’re seeing the MFM specialist, he makes the final calls on everything. Perhaps we’re closer to our dream of bringing this rainbow boy home a little sooner than we thought. Fingers crossed!

My other guilt category has been the feeling of failing as a loss mama. Lucy’s birthday and Angelversary came and went and I feel as though I’ve failed her. Friday (her birthday) was primarily spent focused on her little brother. We had a diagnostic ultrasound that ended up being scheduled that day, then it was on to meet with one of the docs because I wasn’t feeling well, which is what led to the discussion about an earlier arrival, then on to phone calls trying to schedule an appointment to consult with the MFM doctor. I didn’t even get to burning Lucy’s candle. On her birthday. I did write her a letter and picked her a bouquet of fresh flowers, but that wasn’t enough. Saturday (her Angelversary), we had two events scheduled to attend, which took up the last half of the day. Being one of the few summer weekends left, everyone is scheduling things, and it was another reminder that life goes on, no matter what the date. It was a hard pill to swallow. In keeping so busy with everything else, there was little time to focus on Lucy. It hit me really hard yesterday, and the guilt has been eating away at me. I know that it doesn’t mean I love her any less, I know that it doesn’t mean I’m forgetting my baby… I know all of that, but it still hurts my heart.

One thing that helped me stay emotionally afloat yesterday was the realization of how many people took a moment to think about Lucy. I requested about a month ago that people paint rocks in honor of her and her birthday and then place them somewhere special or for someone else to find. Not only was there a heartwarming response to that, a lot of people sent messages and checked in with us to share that she was on their minds. Just when I start to worry that people are forgetting her, especially as we anticipate her brother’s arrival, I am reminded that she’s still very much alive in the hearts of many. I even had one person mention that whenever they’re at the edge of patience with their own child, they think of Lucy, and find ways to embrace the moments with their little one instead of losing their patience. Things like that help me realize that Lucy has had an impact and her life matters to more than just her parents and family. It’s a breath of fresh air, and deep down, I know she won’t be forgotten.

After writing some of this out, I feel better. I can do this. I can make it to this baby boy’s arrival, and I can maintain hope that everything is going to be okay. I have Lucy’s light to keep me positive, and the here-and-now knowledge that our little guy is just fine and is absolutely healthy, no matter how uncomfortable his anxious mama is. We’re almost there, one tiptoe at a time.




Photo by Jordan Whitt on Unsplash

A Letter to My Rainbow

My Dear Boy,

I’ve written many things to your sister, but have yet to write to you. As I type, you are contentedly snuggled in my belly, making your sweet presence known with wiggles, kicks, and soft jabs. Your energy is already sustaining me, making me believe in the beauty of life again.

When we lost Lucy, my whole world turned black, and I never thought I’d experience joy again. The same is true for your Daddy. Yet here we are, anticipating your arrival, concentrating all the hope we have within us on bringing you safely home. We’re scared, scared that the same thing could happen to you, little one. I know someday in the distant future, you’ll find that life doesn’t always go as planned, but I hope with all of my heart that it never brings the same kind of pain to you. Losing your big sister has made us fearful of losing you too. I wish with all of my heart that she were here with us and that the two of you could grow up together. But that wasn’t the hand our family was dealt, and there’s no changing it. And so, I will spend my life pouring all of my love into you, and into keeping your big sissy’s memory alight in our family. There is nothing more important to me than that.

My love for you is endless. I am already so proud of you and cannot wait to meet you. You are so very wanted, so very loved. From the moment we knew you existed, your Daddy and I have felt a joy unlike any other. Sometimes that joy is quiet, as we worry and wait, but often, it’s overflowing from us. Though we’re scared of losing you, we’re also celebrating you as you ought to be celebrated. You are special, and not just because you are Lucy’s brother;  although I have a feeling she is so proud of you, the little brother she picked out. You are special because you are our child and because you’re you.

You have restored me, brought me back to life, made me look forward to the future. I couldn’t be more thankful for your existence, and I promise to do everything I can to make you feel loved and supported, for as long as I live. In giving you life, you have given us life. We cannot wait to meet you sweet guy, to watch you grow, thrive, and live a fulfilling life that you wish to live. You have already brought us so much hope and joy, and you’ve shown us that there are no limits on how much the heart can love. I cannot wait to see what else you’ll teach us as you grow. I love you so much, baby boy.

