13 Months

My Dear Lucy,

Thirteen months, little one, and here we are, into our second year without you. It’s hard to believe, isn’t it? Even though I knew better than to believe it before, a part of me thought that maybe this would get easier somehow. It hasn’t. I still miss you with everything I am, and my heart still aches as much as it always has since you’ve been gone. Missing you still hurts, but loving you is what helps keep me together. As together as I can be.

Life is hard right now, and missing you is a daily part of it. Your Daddy and I are back to work for the school year, and back to feeling like there’s never enough time to get anything accomplished. What bothers me most about that is that I have to be much more intentional about setting aside time to take care of myself and to spend time in thought with you. But, as you know, you’re never far from my thoughts.

I had a dream the other night that your Great Grandpa Hill stopped to see me for a visit. Before I could even ask, he told me you were okay… “as cute as can be, and funny too”. I don’t know where you are, but I’d like to think that you’re with Grandpa. He always looked out for me, and I believe he’d be happy to do the same for you. It comforts me to think that wherever you are, there’s a good chance that he’s with you, looking after you a little, loving you as he loved me. In the dream, he mentioned something about a sibling of yours, that they’d be a good one too… I know much of our dreams are manifestations of the things in our minds, but I wonder if maybe that could mean that soon, a little brother or sister may follow you. I guess time will tell, just like it does with everything else. I do wish everything were different though, Lucy. Mostly, I wish you were here.

I’ve had lots of reminders pop up these past couple of weeks that remind me of all that we’re missing with you, and it’s just so heartbreaking every time. Every day brings with it more reasons to wonder, to miss you. I will never stop wondering who you may have been… and even who I may have been had you been able to stay with us. You’re never forgotten, baby girl, not for a moment. I love you more than I could ever express, and time will never tarnish that. I keep looking for, and finding, your light. Mommy loves you.

Always and forever,

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