Patience and Gratitude

I’ve been MIA for quite a while, totally stepping away from the blog, and even my Lucy letters. It’s been an interesting time of growth for me over the past few months, both as a mama and an individual. I won’t bore with the details or give some drawn-out explanation, because I guess what really matters is that I’m here now, and I feel up to writing again, and I’m in pursuit of all things that enable me to thrive.

I’m feeling stronger, happier, and more motivated than I have been since before losing Lucy. She’s a major piece of all of this too; I still associate all good things in my life with Lucy Rose’s light, as I always will. Now, I really do want to follow through on my promise to her that I’ll live well to honor her memory. It’s time. Everett is growing and thriving, and is even napping during the day on a nearly regular basis, which means I have a little more time on my hands for writing and other endeavors. I love my role as a rainbow mama and I’m excited to keep aiming to be the best mom, wife, and decent person that I can be. That means sharing my truths and learning to love myself the way I ought to.

Self love is something I have failed at for much of my adult life. It’s time to change that, and I’m committed to working on it daily. I have some deeply ingrained toxic habits when it comes to my self talk, and they’ve held me back for long enough. I’m ready to let go of that. I’ve been doing a lot of heart work lately, sorting through a lot of old memories, experiences, and negative influences. I’m actually looking forward to writing about some of those things here in the blog. I’ll come back to this post and update with links to those once they’re written. I know I have valuable insight and that my story is worthy of sharing, so it’s time to get down to it!

Photo by Ales Me on Unsplash

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